Best SMO Services in Pune India
Generate more traffic, better leads and higher revenue
by leveraging search engine optimization.
and knowledge of SMO set them apart.
Social media has taken over lives in ways unimaginable a few years back. We can’t seem to take off on a flight without checking the event in on Facebook. We can’t begin eating at a restaurant till we have taken a few pictures of the food and shared them on Instagram. When we wish to buy something, our product selection and purchase process begins on Pinterest where we try to find out what products people have liked and are referring. When we have any opinion to share, we do it first on Twitter before we say it to someone face to face. If we are looking to strengthen our career or look for a job, we look to LinkedIn rather a job listing site.
Social Media Optimization (SMO) attempts to make use of this change in people’s mindsets and push certain products and services on social media so that they remain on top of the mind recall for prospective buyers. There are several ways in SMO rides the social media wave to popularize a product or service. The basic way is to have active profiles on all the popular social media sites. These profiles can be creatively used as a foil to the website of the company to generate dynamic content which can keep the conversation going on social media. For example, a food delivery company can have all the details about its services on its website, but can announce new coverage areas or special offers or new restaurants covered on its social media profiles, which can then link to its website or app, from where orders can be placed. These efforts can then be supplemented by the use of attractive pictures or videos on Instagram or Pinterest, and of course an announcement on Facebook. Many companies also use blogs and articles on general interest topics to make their social media content more engaging and initiate conversations around their brand. To take the example of the food delivery company, they could post blogs about the latest food trends on their website, and post links of those blogs or articles on their social media profiles. They could also post these blogs directly on their social media profiles.
When a company decides to go for Social Media optimization, there are usually not enough in-house skills to get it done, and therefore an experienced agency is hired who does the SMO for the client. That might cost some money, but it ensures that a professional job is done which ensures adequate return on the investment. For that to happen, the agency must have a few characteristics, which need to be assessed before hiring them. Their vintage is very important, so they are on top of all the social media trends over the years. They shouldn’t be only social media whizkids, but they must possess the ability to understand the client’s business well, so that the social media story can be woven accordingly. The client needs to spend time discussing the agency’s prior social media optimization campaigns to understand what strengths they bring to the table. The client and the agency should also agree upfront about the specific and measurable goals, the mode of assessing success, and the mode and frequency of communication.
We, at Optimized Infotech, bring you the best social media optimization packages. We can also design bespoke campaigns for you if you have specific needs or constraints. We have a long history of successful campaigns. These campaigns have been for clients from various industry verticals, which gives us a broad based business perspective about several industries.
We’re passionate about design, innovation, brilliant ideas and the execution that brings it all together in one beautiful experience. See what our clients say about us !

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